For an American definition of freedom, click here.


"Freedom can primarily be characterized by the absence of coercion or constraint.  If a person is compelled by the State or the will of another to a course of action or inaction which he (or she) would not otherwise have chosen, he is not acting of his own volition and he cannot be said to be truly free. One of the main purposes of the Charter is to protect, within reason, from compulsion or restraint.  Coercion includes not only such blatant forms of compulsion as direct commands to act or refrain from acting on pain of sanction, coercion includes indirect forms of control which determine or limit alternative courses of conduct available to others. Freedom in a broad sense embraces both the absence of coercion and constraint, and the right to manifest beliefs and practices.  Freedom means that, subject to such limitations as are necessary to protect public safety, order, health, morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others, no one is to be forced to act in a way contrary to his beliefs or his conscience."  (Thanks to omni-bv. From Regina vs. M Drug Mart Ltd. (1985), 18 C.C.C. (3d) 385 at pp. 417-418)

For a Canadian definition of freedom, click here.

the 9th article :

One definition of freedom from the U. S. Constitution
Effective December 15, 1791

IX   The enumeration in the constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.


Ninth  Article Video  Productions

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